Privacy Policy

Your privacy

Your privacy is important to us. Data registered about our users will be treated according to existing privacy policy regulations (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR). It is the general manager and board together who are responsible for following these regulations.


The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to be able to manage and give access to our services. The information may also be used in order to distribute newsletters and other information related to our product and services (occasionally).

Processing of personal data

Personal data which is collected is information that is needed to identify each user/person. When you register for an AgriNote subscription, we will ask you to fill inn your name, mobile phone and email address. In addition to this, we are processing information about your company, but such information is not considered as personal data.

Collection of personal data

It is not possible to deliver the AgriNote service without some personal data. When you subscribe for AgriNote, personal data will be registered and accepted at same time as the subscription is created and login information distributed (by SMS and email) to you as the end user.

We do not collect personal data automatically - and we do not use cookies (technical term) for this purpose, neither directly nor indirectly through third party services.

Securing personal information

All data traffic (data exchange) between AgriNote and yourself (your mobile/tablet/PC/Mac) is encrypted (SSL). Additionally, all personal data is password protected.

Extradition of personal data

Collected personal data will solely be used to purposes mentioned above. We never give or sell your personal data to a third party organization. Our employees are familiar with the current privacy rules and comply with the regulations.

Access to, change of and deletion of personal data

By using built-in functionality, you will always be able to see all information that is stored about you (Settings > Profile). Some of this information can be changed by yourself. To be able to change information that is needed to manage access to AgriNote, you will need to contact AgriNote support (see contact information on this site).

You may delete your subscription (your user account and associated personal- and company data) via AgriNote's built-in functionality (Settings > Profile). By doing this, you also accept that all your registered data is deleted from AgriNote at same time.

If you have accepted to receive information from AgriNote by e.g. email or SMS, you may anytime easily withdraw your acceptance within the Settings > Profile tab.


Please contact us if you have questions about our privacy policy: Contact information / contact form

©2023-2025 Agrinote AS (Norway). All rights reserved
Privacy policy (GDPR)

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