
In AgriNote, you can simply hide the modules you do not have use for.

Spraying and crop protection journal
Spraying. Pesticide
Log spraying with your pesticide of choice. When you you have registrered the fixed settings in the crop protection journal, a simple mouse click / finger tap is all you need to save it.
Register the date of fertilizing, what field you fertilized, your fertilizer of choice (manure and inorganic fertilizer), and potentially the weather conditions. Anything you enter will be saved and can be retrieved and edited whenever you want.
Haying (bales, trailer loads, volume, kg)
Tractor. Haying
You can register the date, the field, number of bales, trailer loads, volume or kg, as well as weather conditions. Sums up the number of bales and volume per year.
Grain / Threshing
Grain / threshing
Register the date of threshing, place, grain type, amount, hours used, weather conditions and water percentage at threshing and delivery.
Crop production
Crop production
Production of vegetables, grain, potatoes, fruits and berries from A to Z. Plant propagation, planting, observation/activity, fertilizing and liming, spraying, and harvesting.
Production storage
Production storage
Get full control of your production storages - you can set up bale storages, grain storages, fertilizer storages etc.
Livestock. Cows. Grazing
Register grazing, as well as any transportation of livestock to-, from- or between pastures. The system shows any livestock currently out on a pasture, and whether any livestock has been brought back to your farm.
Soil cultivation
Wheelbarrow. Sowing, harrowing, plowing, grubbing
Log any plowing, harrowing, sowing, ditching, grubbing etc. Anything you register can easily be retrieved at any time, and can even be exported to MS Excel.
Snow removal / spreading of sand, gravel and salt
Snow removal / spreading of sand/gravel/salt
Register any snow removal easily, with additional options of spreading sand/gravel/salt, as well as other winter related work. Operate with either hourly rates, price per trip, price by km, etc. Invoice documentation. Road lists simplifies the registration.
Paid labor
Paid labor
You can also register paid labor (i.e. baling, threshing, tractor work etc.) Invoice documentation.
Maintenance of buildings
Maintenance of buildings
Document maintenance of your house, and any barns, storehouses, cabins, cottages, boat houses etc. Time runs fast, and sometimes it can be surprisingly difficult to remember when exactly you painted your barn last.
Maintenance of machinery / equipment
Maintenance of machinery and equipment
Document repairs, service and other maintenance of all machinery and equipment. When a new service is coming up, you will receive a reminder from AgriNote.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
HSE within agriculture. Product data sheet and safety inspections. Any official inspections at you farm will be turned into a dream :)
Document collection
Document collection
All files (document and photos) kept in one place. You (or your adviser) can upload fertilizing plans, soil samples, HSE-related documents etc.
Tasks / projects
In this module, you can register and follow up any work that needs to be done on your farm, your joint operation or your construction company.
Travel log
Travel log
A simple, manual travel log. In this section, you can register anything needed (required) in a travel invoice.
Report. Reports. Journal
You can export various reports - in table form or as graphs. Compare year by year. This can, of course, be used as documentation.

Other things to note:

Use a mobile device!
Mobile. Smartphone
AgriNote is developed for smartphones, but works just as well on a tablet, PC or Mac. Your phone is generally brought along, so why not use it?
We take good care of your data
Automatic backup
We take backups of all your data on our central server regularly - that way you do not have to sacrifice any time worrying about it.
Multi-user system
One or mulitple users
AgriNote is both a single-user and a multi-user system. You can have one or more user accounts working on the same farm or joint operation.

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